Mathjax can help you to embed LaTeX style math formula in you web content. To get MathJax to work in Blogger, just go to your Blogger account, click "Design" (top right of the page), and then "Edit HTML". After the first <head> you see, paste < script src='' type='text/javascript ' > MathJax . Hub . Config ({ HTML : [ "input/TeX" , "output/HTML-CSS" ], TeX : { extensions : [ "AMSmath.js","AMSsymbols.js" ], equationNumbers : { autoNumber : "AMS" } }, extensions : [ "tex2jax.js" ], jax : [ "input/TeX" , "output/HTML-CSS" ], tex2jax : { inlineMath : [ [ '$' , '$' ], [ "\\(" , "\\)" ] ], displayMath : [ [ '$$' , '$$' ], [ "\\[" , "...
Image processing, Math and computer vision.